Dabbling Babbling Mommy


Posted on: April 16, 2012

I hate showers. Not the water ones (actually love those…especially when they are child-free); the ones that celebrate milestones.

You are getting married? Great, I want to come watch you open gifts and look surprised even though you registered and therefore know what you are getting.

You are having a baby? Great, I want to come watch you open gifts and look surprised even though you registered and therefore know what you are getting.


That said, showers are a fantastic opportunity to catch up with people I generally just email once a month (from my mobile, one-handed, while nursing.) That is, my best friends.

I had a great time visiting with some of my best-college-ladies, A&M, this weekend at a shower. I would tell you what we talked about….but then I’d have to kill you. The one thing I can disclose is that I promised that I would blog more. Or, let’s be honest, blog at all.

I love to write. And I need to get over my need to plan and be perfect and just WRITE. Like I used to. So here is my promise to myself, as witnessed by best-college-ladies, A&M.

I promise to blog. Whether anyone reads it or not. Whether I offend anyone or not. Whether I have a plan or not. Whether it is perfect or not.



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